Squatting Concept
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Learn About The Squatty Concept
We are designed to squat not sit
Humans Are Designed To Squat, Not Sit

It's true! If you think about it, it really does make sense. As children, we instinctively squat when we need to go to the toilet. It's what our ancestors did for hundreds of years, before the invention of the modern day loo. Even today, the majority of the world's population still squats when going to the toilet. Our remarkable bodies have evolved to accommodate this by allowing the anorectal angle (natural bend in the colon where it meets the rectum) to relax as we squat at 35 degrees. This enables faeces to pass through with ease.
Unfortunately, our natural evolution hasn't made allowances for our quest to become more civilized. So, whilst our toilets may be convenient and sanitary, they don't promote the best way to empty our bowels.
Research has found that raising the feet and adopting a squatting position is far healthier for us. Doctors and medical professionals agree; in fact, it is becoming widely recommended by the experts as a way to treat a variety of different disorders, such as haemorrhoids and constipation.
How Does Squatting Help?
Get a new angle on how you go to the loo:

For far too many of us, the prospect of going to the toilet can be an extremely painful or uncomfortable one. Countless sources of information would have us believe that this is down to our diet or lifestyle. However, making changes to daily routines all too often proves ineffective, and here at Squatty Potty, we know why!
The human body is a work of art, but we're all guilty of taking it for granted now and then, particularly when it comes to our digestive system. Tasked with the main purpose of expelling waste, the colon bends downwards into the rectum. This bend helps us to retain control over our bowel movements, and is commonly referred to as the anorectal angle. The angle is maintained by the puborectalis muscle which loops around the colon like a sling. In order for faeces to pass through the colon and into the rectum, this muscle must be relaxed.
Sitting down loosens the puborectalis muscle slightly, but not enough to eliminate discomfort and the need for straining when going to the toilet. Squatting, on the other hand, relaxes the muscle entirely, creating a straight passageway for the waste to move through with ease. It is believed that straining is three times greater whilst sitting, with the narrow anorectal angle making it difficult to completely empty the bowel. For hundreds of years, before the invention of our modern toilet, squatting was the only option; it is what the human body is designed to do.
So, why not take a step in the right direction, with Squatty Potty?
Squatting Benefits
- Prevent and treat constipation
- Prevent and treat haemorrhoids
- Protects against pelvic floor weakness
- Prevents colon disease
- More effective elimination
"Because of the anorectal angle being in a kinked position while sitting you are forced to strain in order to move the bowels, which is the main cause of hemorrhoids. While squatting the angle straightens out allowing the fecal matter to eliminate quickly and easily without straining."
- Israeli Journal of Medicine
Why Should I Use a Squatty Potty?
It's one simple change to your routine that can bring about a whole host of health benefits! This non-invasive, unobtrusive foot stool is a fantastic way to prevent and treat many different disorders. By simply elevating the feet it puts you into the natural position for elimination, making the whole process easier and much more comfortable.
Using the Squatty Potty will:
- Aid you in going to the toilet effectively and efficiently
- Straighten the anorectal angle, eliminating the need to strain
- Treat and prevent constipation, bloating, IBS, haemorrhoids and more
- Stop the build-up of faeces in the bowel (reducing the risk of colon disease)
- Change the way you poo forever!
The Squatty Potty® is recommended by doctors as the #1 way to help you go #2. It helps to reduce the risk of toxic build-up in your colon; reduces straining and decreases the pressure in the anal/rectal veins and pelvic floor; heals and prevents haemorrhoids; and makes elimination easier and more effective.
"The ideal posture for defecation is the squatting position. In this way the capacity of the abdominal cavity is greatly diminished and intra-abdominal pressure increased thus encouraging expulsion."
- William S. Haubrich MD , Bockus Gastroenterology