Hemorrhoid Prevention & Relief
It's the elephant in the room! When it comes to discussing our health, haemorrhoids is something that many of us are just far too embarrassed to talk about. We all want to know about it, but none of us dare utter the 'shameful' word. This seems particularly odd considering that even the healthiest amongst us is likely to suffer from it at some stage in our lives. Research suggests that about half of people living in the UK will develop piles at one time or another [5] and it can happen to us at any age.
For many of us, haemorrhoids have become a fact of life; they are simply something we endure, as they progressively get worse and worse. So, what if we told you that this needn't be the case? With the help of Squatty Potty, you can protect against piles and even get rid of those you have without the fear of a relapse!
Find out what the Mayo Clinic has to say:
Haemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and lower rectum. Haemorrhoids may result from straining during bowel movements or from the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy, among other causes.
Haemorrhoids are common ailments. By age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the itching, discomfort and bleeding that can signal the presence of haemorrhoids.
The veins around your anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell. Swollen veins — haemorrhoids — can develop from an increase in pressure in the lower rectum.
Factors that might cause increased pressure include:
- Straining during bowel movements
- Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet
- Chronic diarrhoea or constipation
The Mayo Clinic suggests that haemorrhoid sufferers avoid long periods of standing or sitting. Sitting too long, particularly on the toilet, can increase the pressure on the veins in the anus.[6]
What's the solution?
Get piles of relief from haemorrhoids with the Squatty Potty!
When it comes to our toileting habits, sitting is the norm. It's something that we have always done without question, because that's how we were brought up. Now with many of us so set in our ways, it can be difficult to view any part of our habitual routine as 'wrong'.
However, squatting is proven to be much better for us and when it comes to haemorrhoids it really will provide some much needed relief.
The primary cause of haemorrhoids is increased pressure on the veins in the pelvic and rectal area. This is typically caused by straining or spending prolonged periods of time on the toilet. Squatting eliminates the need for either, thereby reducing the likelihood of experiencing a problem. It will even serve as an effective treatment for those that already suffer.

So, just how does squatting achieve all this? Well, the colon has a natural bend in it where it meets the rectum. This is our body's clever way of keeping us in 'continence mode', and it is often referred to as the anorectal angle. In order to keep this bend in place, the puborectalis muscle loops around the colon. Squatting is the only position to fully relax this muscle, widening the anorectal angle and allowing faeces to pass through with ease. Sitting maintains a narrow angle that essentially makes it very difficult to eliminate. This is where the need to strain comes from.
It's only haemorrhoids; it's nothing to worry about, right? Wrong! The majority of us will have experienced piles at some point. However, as with most things, there are varying degrees of severity. Even in the most minor of cases, haemorrhoids can be generally uncomfortable and itchy, not to mention extremely painful when going to the toilet.