Squatting Concept

Learn About The Squatty Concept

Doctors, Naturopaths, and Holistic Health Professionals all know how important proper toilet posture by elevating your feet during elimination is!

Humans Are Designed To Squat, Not Sit

Humans are designed to squat not sit

For many years, doctors, naturopaths and holistic health professionals have realised that our modern toilets aren't the healthiest way to go to the toilet. Studies have shown that raising the feet, putting the body into a squatting position, makes for much healthier elimination.

While our modern toilets are comfortable and convenient, the sitting position does not allow us to 'do our business' effectively. Squatting instead of sitting allows for more effective elimination which may help with many common health complaints such as constipation, bloating, IBS and haemorrhoids (piles) and it may even help to prevent more serious problems such as colon cancer and bowel cancer.

So How Does Squatting Help?

First let's take a look at how the body works:

Anorectal Angle

When we want to go to for a number two, we can control it by contracting or relaxing the anal sphincter. But there's also a bend in the rectum which also helps to maintain continence. This is called the anorectal angle.

When we're standing up or sitting down, the anorectal angle stays bent - a good way to think of it is like a kinked garden hose. This keeps faeces inside and stops us from having any embarrassing accidents. So, when we sit to use the toilet, our body is actually in 'continence mode', meaning that we need to strain to eliminate. The position our toilets put us in just isn't the natural way to go.

By squatting instead of sitting, the puborectalis muscle relaxes, which straightens out the anorectal angle. This means that we don't need to strain as our body is in the natural position for effective defecation.

Research has shown that squatting helps to relieve the 'kinked garden hose' effect, and by raising your feet and pressing the thigh muscles towards the abdomen, this helps with elimination.

By squatting instead of sitting, you will be well on the way to more effective elimination and healthier bowels.

Squatting Benefits

  • Avoid Constipation
  • Economical & Durable
  • End Hemorrhoids
  • Pelvic Floor Issues
  • Prevent Colon Disease
  • More Effective Elimination

"Because of the anorectal angle being in a kinked position while sitting you are forced to strain in order to move the bowels, which is the main cause of hemorrhoids. While squatting the angle straightens out allowing the fecal matter to eliminate quickly and easily without straining."

- Israeli Journal of Medicine

Why Should I Use a Squatty Potty?

By raising your feet using the Squatty Potty, you are putting your body into a much more natural position for elimination. By elevating the feet and legs, you will straighten the anorectal angle and allow for complete and healthy number twos.

Using the Squatty Potty will:

  • Help you to go to the toilet more effectively and efficiently
  • Straighten the rectum to take you out of 'continence mode'
  • Reduce and prevent health problems such as constipation, bloating, IBS, haemorrhoids and much more
  • Stop build-up of faeces in the bowel
  • Change the way you'll poo forever!

"The ideal posture for defecation is the squatting position. In this way the capacity of the abdominal cavity is greatly diminished and intra-abdominal pressure increased thus encouraging expulsion."

- William S. Haubrich MD , Bockus Gastroenterology